On its 14th anniversary, the Philippine Tax Academy (PTA) launched the Treasurer Professionalization Program (TPP).

The PTA is a specialized learning institution for tax and customs collectors and administrators of the government. Consistent with its 14th anniversary theme of empowering revenue professionals, the PTA, through its Local Government Finance Institute (LGFI), launched its flagship program for local treasurers.

The TPP is a testament of the PTA’s commitment to fulfill its mandate under Republic Act 10143. Section 14 of the PTA’s Implementing Rules and Regulations outlines the academy’s responsibility to develop and implement training programs for local treasurers.

The 2019 Supreme Court decision, also called the Mandanas ruling, dramatically increased the funds allocated to Local Government Units (LGUs) by including revenues from the Bureau of Customs in their share, not just from the Bureau of Internal Revenue.

This substantial boost offers LGUs a significant opportunity to enhance local development but also comes with increased responsibilities and scrutiny.

As more government functions are devolved to LGUs, local treasurers are now at the forefront, facing heightened expectations to manage and utilize these expanded resources effectively, marking a pivotal shift in their roles and impact on local governance.

The TPP includes the Pre-service Program for aspiring local treasurers, the Onboarding Program for newly appointed local treasurers, and the Certification Program for Treasurers (CPT) for the incumbent treasurers’ continuous competency development.

The TPP is a flagship program of the Philippine Tax Academy. It would not have been developed without the astute insights and diverse backgrounds of accomplished local treasurers from different provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays, of select Bureau of Local Government Finance (BLGF) personnel, and of experts in curriculum and course development.

As the PTA pioneers this transformative journey, the Treasurer Professionalization Program welcomes a new era of empowered local governance and unparalleled fiscal stewardship.

PTA officials and personnel with Subject Matter Experts and Co-Course Developers of the TPP during the PTA 14th Anniversary, July 31, 2024. 

The Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and PTA Officials and Personnel during the TPP Development Workshop 2b, April 29 – May 3, 2024. (In photo: Ibajay Barangay Treasurer’s Association President Wilma A. Armiza, BLGF Acting Chief Grace Louie M. Boongaling, BLGF RO No. II Regional Director Atty. Julaida T. Caddawan-Pancho, BLGF Acting Chief Cynthia G. Faurillo, Local Treasury Operations Officer IV Mary Lou G. Gamboa, City Treasurer Edmar C. Luna, City Treasurer Atty. Edith C. Napalan, Municipal Treasurer Glenn D. Tumbagahan, Provincial Treasurer Bernardino R. Villaruel, and Retired City Treasurer Juliet G. Quinsaat. PTA Local Government Finance Institute Chancellor Ma. Teresa S. Habitan, Dr. Ferdinand L. La Puebla, Dr. Gina A. Opiniano, Mr. Erwin B. Gaspar, Mr. Marlon C. Ebaeguin, Ms. Merlita Rose A. Jamiro, Ms. Sofia Jan J. Manlapaz, Ms. Janssen Micah E. Fajardo, Mr. Joel D. Cebrero, and Ms. Zoe R. Jimenez. University of the Philippines Assistant Professor VII Romina P. Beltran-Almazan.) 

TPP Development Workshop 2b, April 29 – May 3, 2024. (L-R: Dr. Gina A. Opiniano, BLGF RO No. II Regional Director Atty. Julaida T. Caddawan-Pancho, BLGF RO No. IV-A Regional Director, Geriebeth G. Dela Torre, and Mr. Erwin B. Gaspar)

TPP Development Workshop 2b, April 29 – May 3, 2024. (L-R: BLGF RO No. II Regional Director Atty. Julaida T. Caddawan-Pancho, Ms. Sofia Jan J. Manlapaz, and Provincial Treasurer Bernardino R. Villaruel) 

TPP Development Workshop 2b, April 29 – May 3, 2024. (L-R: City Treasurer Atty. Edith C. Napalan, Dr. Ferdinand L. La Puebla, Local Treasury Operations Officer IV Mary Lou G. Gamboa, Ms. Sofia Jan J. Manlapaz, and Provincial Treasurer Bernardino R. Villaruel). 

TPP Development Workshop 2b, April 29 – May 3, 2024. (L-R: Mr. Marlon C. Ebaeguin, City Treasurer Edmar C. Luna, Retired City Treasurer Juliet G. Quinsaat, BLGF Acting Chief Cynthia G. Faurillo, and Ms. Merlita Rose A. Jamiro). 

TPP Development Workshop 2b, April 29 – May 3, 2024. (L-R: Local Government Finance Institute Chancellor Ma. Teresa S. Habitan, IBTA President Wilma A. Armiza, Mr. Joel D. Cebrero, Municipal Treasurer Glenn D. Tumbagahan, BLGF Acting Chief Grace Louie M. Boongaling, and Ms. Zoe R. Jimenez). 

The Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and PTA Officials and Personnel during the TPP Development Workshop 1, February 27 – March 3, 2023. (In photo: Ibajay Barangay Treasurer’s Association (IBTA) President Wilma A. Armiza, BLGF Acting Chief Grace Louie M. Boongaling, Municipal Treasurer Plaridel S. Cupiado, BLGF Acting Chief Cynthia G. Faurillo, City Treasurer Edmar C. Luna,   Retired Local Treasurer Encarnacion E. Santiago,  Retired BLGF Region VII Director Mercy N. Santos, PRC Board Member Jose Arnold M. Tan, Municipal Treasurer Glenn D. Tumbagahan, and Provincial Treasurer Bernardino R. Villaruel. PTA Local Government Finance Institute Chancellor Ma. Teresa S. Habitan, Dr. Gina A. Opiniano, Mr. Marlon C. Ebaeguin, Mr. Erwin B. Gaspar, Ms. Dyan Rose P. Flores, Ms. Merlita Rose A. Jamiro, Ms. Sofia Jan J. Manlapaz, Mr. Kim Kyaw Borinaga,  Mr. Jethro Q. Balasa, and Ms. Zoe R. Jimenez. University of the Philippines Assistant Professor VII Romina P. Beltran-Almazan.)

TPP Development Workshop 2B, September 11 – 15, 2023. (L-R: Ms. Zoe R. Jimenez, Ms. Dyan Rose P. Flores, Mr. Kim Kyaw Borinaga, Cynthia, Mery, Encarnacion, and City Treasurer Edmar C. Luna) 

TPP Development Workshop 2B, September 11 – 15, 2023. (L-R: are Retired Local Treasurer Delia A. Pararuan, IBTA President Wilma A. Armiza, Dr. Gina A. Opiniano, Municipal Treasurer Glenn D. Tumbagahan, BLGF Acting Chief Grace Louie M. Boongaling, Ms. Merlita Rose A. Jamiro, and Mr. Erwin B. Gaspar) 

CPT Phase 2A Resource Person (RP), University of the Philippines – Diliman Assistant Professor VII, Romina P. Beltran-Almazan. 

TPP Development Workshop 1, February 27 – March 3, 2023. (L-R: Municipal Treasurer Plaridel S. Cupiado, Mr. Kim Kyaw Borinaga, Mercy, Municipal Treasurer Glenn D. Tumbagahan, IBTA President Wilma A. Armiza, and Mr. Erwin B. Gaspar) 

TPP Development Workshop 1, February 27 – March 3, 2023. (L-R: Provincial Treasurer Bernardino R. Villaruel, Ms. Dyan Rose P. Flores, University of the Philippines – Los Baños Professor Mimosa Ocampo. Ms. Merlita Rose A. Jamiro, and Encarnacion) 

TPP Development Workshop 1, February 27 – March 3, 2023. (Director IV Ma. Luisa M. Notario and Local Government Finance Institute Chancellor Ma. Teresa S. Habitan). 

TPP Development Workshop 1, February 27 – March 3, 2023. (L-R: Municipal Treasurer Plaridel S. Cupiado, City Treasurer Atty. Edith C. Napalan, Retired Local Treasurer Encarnacion E. Santiago, Retired BLGF Region VII Director Mercy N. Santos, BLGF RO No. IV-A Regional Director Geriebeth G. Dela Torre, BLGF RO No. II Regional Director Atty. Julaida T. Caddawan-Pancho). 

The Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and PTA Officials and Personnel during the TPP Development Workshop 1, February 27 – March 3, 2023. (In photo:  Ibajay Barangay Treasurer’s Association President Wilma A. Armiza,  BLGF RO No. II Regional Director Atty. Julaida T. Caddawan-Pancho, Municipal Treasurer Plaridel S. Cupiado, BLGF RO No. IV-A Regional Director Geriebeth G. Dela Torre, Retired Local Treasurer Delia A. Pararuan, Retired Local Treasurer Encarnacion E. Santiago, Retired BLGF Region VII Director Mercy N. Santos, Municipal Treasurer Glenn D. Tumbagahan, and Provincial Treasurer Bernardino R. Villaruel. PTA Director Luisa M. Notario, Dr. Ferdinand L. La Puebla, Dr. Gina A. Opiniano, Ms. Terry Lou Panting, Mr. Marlon C. Ebaeguin,  Ms. Dyan Rose P. Flores, Ms. Merlita Rose A. Jamiro, Mr. Kim Kyaw Borinaga. Resource Person and Consultant Jocelyn Linsao-Ng).